This is one of my favorite birthday cards ever received from a dear friend last year. It raises an important question not so easily resolved.
However, on the trip back from my parents' house on New Years, I found undeniable proof of the answer:

Oh. My. God. Kudos to the owner of the tanning salon for letting it all hang out. Stripping away the euphemisms.
I suggest the correct version depends on the locale in which one was raised-- "BUCK" if you is Southern and "BUTT" if yer a Ferainer (pronounced Foreigner a/k/a from outside the South)
I have to agree with amos the blog stalker. It really does depend on the region.
And, T, while the sign successfully promotes the "you'll get no tan lines here" benefit, I do not think that customers necessarily need to be reminded that they are climbing into a tanning bed where previous occupants "stripped it away" and "let it all hang out." Ewww.
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