My dear, sweet, talented husband made each of these items. Of course, he made them on his new lathe that **ahem** I suggested he buy. Some might accuse me of having an ulterior motive especially since everything he's made so far has been for moi. But I'm above that sort of finger-pointing and eye-rolling.
In case you were wondering what all this woody goodness is about, the two objects on the right are sock darning eggs. With the increased wearing of hand-knit socks around here, they will be put to good use very soon. The forked object on the left is a lucet. It's used to braid cord from yarn. You never know when you might need cord. made of yarn. shut up.
Anyway, I've been getting a little bit of knitting done over the holiday. Not as much as I'd like. But one must periodically stop to do things like:
1) decorate bunny cookies with florescent sprinkles.
2) mediate disputes over who gets to eat the head of the ginormous chocolate bunny that my son won in the Easter egg hunting contest. with a broken arm. He's got skills.
"The Professor" is at least 18 inches tall . . . for now.
3) and make black (???) paper chains for an Easter dinner party being planned by the kids.
Well, hope you are having a nice holiday. And check your socks for holes. I can help.
1 comment:
I'm willing to settle the dispute over Mr. Professor and bring peace to your household. CHOMP CHOMP CHOMP.
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