Sunday, January 6, 2008

Bowled over

And now back to our FO programming.

I had been wanting to try the felted bowl pattern in Leigh Radford's book One Skein for a while. While poking around my LYS one day, I stumbled upon a nice selection of the Brown Sheep Lamb's Pride Bulky that the pattern used. The colors were so gorgeous and rich, that I had trouble choosing colors. So, I bought not one, but THREE shades of purple and not one, but THREE shade of green and decided to make nested bowls from the coordinating colors.

Although the book pattern was for a knitted bowl, I decided to crochet them instead. I find that felted crocheted fabric is thicker and more structurally sound, and I wanted these bowls to be chunky little nests of felted goodness.

The purple set gifted to my mom.

These purples match the three purples in her Purple People Heater blanket.

The green set gifted to my sister.

All snuggled in their nest.

Feeling left out, I had to make myself one. I bought this yummy golden yellow Lamb's Pride worsted while visiting Asheville for the weekend. (If you are ever in Asheville, do not miss Earth Guild. I lose my mind in that place.) I meant to buy bulky weight but was apparently so enchanted with the color that I ceased reading labels. But the bowl turned out okay.

The apples love the TLC.

Give felted bowls a try. They are simple, fast, functional and satisfying. Great relief after the holiday crafting fury.

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